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“Nextdoor is more effective for my business and hyperlocal strategy because it allows me to segment by ZIP code. Nextdoor helps position the agent as the face of a neighborhood and there is no better place to build relationships in your community."

Clinton Brown
Brown Realty Group |  Los Angeles, CA

Be the agent neighbors think of first

Communicate with neighbors that are actively looking to learn more about the local real estate market. 



real people



Members with
verified addresses



Members are 

Talk to a sales agent

Have questions? Schedule a meeting with our sales team to get them answered.

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Maryam BP2-1

Increase your brand exposure

Establish a presence for your business. Claim your free business page and increase exposure for your agent profile.


Showcase your local expertise

Share market trends, new developments in the community, and stand out as a neighborhood expert.




Your Home - iPhone 3-1

Build 1:1 interactions and relationships

Directly interact with members who want help with their homeownership needs.


Sponsor a neighborhood today

Secure one of the limited spots in your target zip codes.

Nextdoor is the key to the neighborhood